Tonto Creek Camp
Architectural Design | Spring 2019
The Tonto Creek Camp is an educational and recreational camp for both ASU athletes and underprivileged high school children.
Originally founded in 1958, the camp is intergrated with the rich history of Arizona State as well as Tonto National Forest. Deeply in need of a centralized and thoughtful identity, the project was a unique combination of research, site planning, and the subsequent design of individual buildings.
Phase 1: A master plan of the site was proposed to integrate both existing and new infrastructure. As a point of note, extra care was taken to create a camp where individuals from diverse backgrounds could be together at once. The placement of new structures was done in natural clearings to insure minimal impact to the surrounding ecology.
Phase 2: In order to better implement the master plan, the goal became to develop singular areas within the site. Staying conscience of the three users, the existing "Sun Devil's Lodge" and existing Pump house were combined in the athletic area of the master plan. The two buildings were joined together with simple wooden finishes already present nearby, and extended in order to accommodate for future visiting ASU athletes and campers.